I remember just yesterday going off to college. Melissa likes to remind me that she was terrified to live with the basketball cheerleader that worked at the GAP. I think I was a little to hyper for her :) I also like to remind her that she was a little bit of a hippie back then. Needless to say that the doubt that we had disapeared very quickly because Best Friend doesnt even describe it. I was very lucky at school. I found 5 great girls that changed my life forever. We have definitely had some ups and downs but whenever we get together its as nothing has changed. Some us have gotten married and others have moved away but we have a friendship that is hard to describe. All I know is that I would not be the person I am today without them. Although we all couldnt be together the other night there were four out of six. :( Peckahead we missed you like crazy, but I am sooo excited to see you at the wedding this weekend. Annette we missed you but we didnt want the sick Bride to get worse at a rainy night out in Manch Vegas :) I hope you all know how much you mean to me! " I shall Believe"